Jan 13, 2006

NEWS: CET gives seminar to Garment and Textiles MBA class

Topical discussion of RFID in the textiles industries.......

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Jan 1, 2006

ARTICLES: Finding RFID's Business Case in China

Right now, Chinese companies don't have a solid reason to invest in the technology.......

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Dec 10, 2005

NEWS: CET selects Distributor in Greece

Access Control Systems......

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Nov 1, 2005

NEWS: CET moves to new offices

CET has moved its offices to a new location.......

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August 19, 2005

NEWS: Smart Tokens in Russia

Russian light rail systems adopt smart tokens for single journey fare collection......

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August 12, 2005

NEWS: CET contracted to supply smart tokens to Guangzhou Subway

Order for over 3 million single journey smart tokens awarded to product innovator......

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June 5, 2005

NEWS: CET Supplies Library Cards to Korean National Library

Library cards for Korean National Libary enable patrons self service checkout.......

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May 6, 2005

NEWS: Smart Tokens make good WIP transponders

Smart Tokens developed for mass transit have been repurposed for WIP in Belgium. ......

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April 30, 2005

NEWS: RFID Vehicle Tracking System

CET has been tapped to help test vehicle tracking system for major airfreight terminal.......

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March 15, 2005

NEWS: Residential RFID Vehicle Access

Residents at the Hong Kong Gardens, a luxury real-estate development by Chinachem, can now enjoy the convenience of carrying just one card for entering their buildings and their carpark.......

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